The Kavanaugh Nomination: A Look Back

The Kavanaugh Nomination: A Look Back

On The Kavanaugh Nomination It is “perfectly legal” to nominate someone to the U.S. Supreme Court whose views on various important matters are far to the right of most Americans. It is “perfectly legal” for the Senate to have held up President Obama’s nominee, Merritt...
Morals and the Kiss-Cam

Morals and the Kiss-Cam

I heard two jock-talkers on Denver AM radio in August of 2018, complaining that the Dodgers “Kiss-Cam” was not nearly as spontaneous as people at Dodger Stadium might think. It turns out that the kiss-cam crew goes around to appealing people and families, has them...

The Right and Wrong of Non Disclosure Agreements

In the private sector, nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) can serve a very useful purpose. As Adam Hays put it in Investopedia: To maintain a competitive advantage, businesses must keep working projects, innovative ideas, or exciting new products secret lest they fall...