Perfectly Legal, But Wrong

When “perfectly legal” is a lame excuse for doing the wrong thing

Society and Politics

Good People Are Leaving the Government

Good People Are Leaving the Government

I’ve long admired Norm Ornstein, a public intellectual who leans conservative and has written several books that illuminate the current political dysfunctions in the United States.  See, for example, It’s Even Worse than it Looks, reviewed here by Robert Kaiser for...

“We Will Hang Earl Warren. . . “

“We Will Hang Earl Warren. . . “

As a member of a teenage Republican club in the early 1960s, I met several “Young Americans for Freedom” (“Yaffers”) and John Birch Society members.  The JBS opposed the civil rights movement and believed the U.S. was in dangerous “moral decline,” railing against...

Witch Hunt!

Witch Hunt!

by Don Mayer “Witch hunt!”   We’ve heard that phrase from Donald Trump as a stock response to any number of investigations, indictments, and impeachments.  The Mueller investigation, both impeachment proceedings, the Georgia investigation (of a...

Lawyer-speak: Legal, yes, but sometimes… Awful!

Lawyer-speak: Legal, yes, but sometimes… Awful!

It's a free country right? Especially with regard to free speech, and what lawyers say in a legal brief or in oral argument:  other than insulting the judge and risking a contempt of court order, lawyers can just say the “darndest” things, recalling Art Linkletter’s...

Supremely Conflicted:  Are the Justices Truly Blind?

Supremely Conflicted: Are the Justices Truly Blind?

Don Mayer, July 3, 2023 The U.S. Supreme Court has wrapped up its 2022/23 agenda with the usual array of arresting (and sometimes controversial) opinions, including a notable set-back for affirmative action in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard case. What’s...

Stuart Rhodes = Solzhenitsyn?

Stuart Rhodes = Solzhenitsyn?

“It’s a free country.”  I first heard this at age four, from a kid in the neighborhood (who was probably doing something wrong).  Our “freedoms” are not absolute: we are not legally free to steal others’ property or watch child pornography, but we are free...

The Only Federal Judge in Amarillo, Texas

The Only Federal Judge in Amarillo, Texas

by Don Mayer Donald Trump’s judicial chickens have come home to roost, and they are laying some perfectly legal but horribly misshapen eggs.  Trump, with the help of Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society, and then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, approved...