Airtime for the Autocrat: Tucker Carlson Sucks Up to Putin

Airtime for the Autocrat: Tucker Carlson Sucks Up to Putin

We have reached a very odd place in our national politics: not long ago, Republicans would consistently  out-gun Democrats on being “tough on communists,” especially Russia –– who can forget President Reagan saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”  The GOP has also typically portrayed themselves as defenders of freedom, especially against “big government.”

But now, many on the right-wing of the GOP openly admire Vladimir Putin, head of the very big, intrusive, and often brutal Russian government.

Russia is now clearly an oligarchy, not a democracy, and one that suppresses all political opposition, imprisons (or poisons) potential political rivals, and invades a sovereign nation, killing thousands of innocent women and children.  This invasion, which continues brutally unabated, is in blatant violation of international law and the founding principles of the United Nations.  But, to many on the “right,” Putin is seen as a guardian of traditional conservative values.  He is “savvy” (Donald Trump’s words) and a “true leader,” –– according to Tucker Carlson, who interviewed Putin on Feb. 6th.

What is this strange attraction between MAGA conservatives and Putin, that Carlson would travel to Moscow to give Putin a platform for his propaganda? That propaganda includes numerous lies about Russian history and Ukraine’s.

Part of the attraction may be that right-wing voters in the U.S. make common cause with a “manly man” who supports “Christian values” and rejects transgender rights. Putin has made repeated, derisive references about the West’s promotion of transgender rights.  If you embrace Putin as a traditionalist with conservative values, however, you must reject some traditional GOP values, like freedom, free speech, and democracy.

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn) had it right when he wrote,

“Trump’s admiration for Putin has turned into a collective right wing obsession. Turn on Tucker Carlson virtually any night and you’re going to hear him lionizing Putin, and pushing often line for line Russian disinformation. Elon Musk uncritically blasts out Russian propaganda about the war to his 120 million plus followers. Steve Bannon says that Putin is the leader of the anti-woke fight globally. Donald Trump Jr., and I follow him on social media, he’s relentlessly making fun of Zelensky online. QAnon sites say that Russia’s war in Ukraine is righteous because it’s just the next front of the war against these global sex traffickers that apparently are operating out of pizza parlors in Northwest DC and Ukraine.”  Murphy here refers to the QAnon story that Hilary Clinton other prominent democrats like John Podesta were trafficking little kids from the basement of the Comet Ping Pong Pizza in D.C.

Ahem. I hardly need to remind regular readers of PLBW that the Q Anon Comet Ping Pong Pizza story is absurd beyond belief, and yet people still believe it, even after an armed “liberator” from North Carolina showed up only to find no basement at the Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

Such is the mind-bending impact of pernicious and deliberate lies repeated over and over and over.  Adolph Hitler and his Nazis knew the value of “the big lie.”   During the 1920s and 1930s, the Nazis fulminated against the Jewish ‘traitors’ and ‘November Criminals’ who supposedly ‘stabbed Germany in the back,’ and through such falsehoods, generated tremendous popular support. In both cases, propaganda was essential in magnifying dishonest claims.

After losing the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, Donald Trump spent months falsely claiming the election had been stolen from him. And despite all evidence to the contrary, many of his followers believe him (still). The historical parallel to Trump’s conspiracy theories were Nazi efforts to blame Jews for German defeat in WWI.

For those who care to see it, here is a link to Carlson’s interview with Putin:  

It’s a free country, so you can suck up to Putin all you want.  But you can’t claim the mantle of freedom for your part, or even classic conservatism.  How can all this be explained?

Professor Jonathan Zasloff made the following points in The Daily Beast in 2023:

“The American conservative movement has always been comfortable with dictatorships. Sure, conservatives hated Communism, but not because of the USSR’s and Maoist China’s brutality; rather, they detested Communism because 1) It was atheist (“Godless” in conservative terminology); and 2) It abolished private property. . . .Putin, however, has brought back the Orthodox Church and capitalism (at least the crony capitalism version), so what’s not to like?”

“Readers need to remember that the American right has welcomed just about every non-Communist dictatorship, both before and after World War II. Conservatives in the media, on Wall Street, and in politics described Benito Mussolini in glowing terms, and did so consistently. J.P. Morgan partner Thomas Lamont, who exerted a substantial influence on U.S. foreign policy in the interwar period, described himself in 1926 as “something like a missionary” for Il Duce. President Harding’s ambassador to Italy, Richard Washburn Child, ghost-wrote Mussolini’s front-page autobiography in The Saturday Evening Post.

Many conservatives in the U.S. also believed Hitler and the Nazis were the answer to labor unrest, socialism, and communism. In fact, many business interests in 1933 sought to un-democratically unseat FDR through a coup to be led by Marine General Smedley Butler, a fact that most histories of the U.S. overlook.

Volodymyr Zelensky, frustrated with the current GOP, which refuses to provide further aid to the embattled democracy (why? because Trump calls the shots, and encourages Putin to take what he wants) made the following comments earlier this week after the death of Alexei Navalny.  “Putin is a threat to all free nations. Putin is the monster who invaded Ukraine and killed thousands and thousands of people and kidnapped and deported at least tens of thousands of Ukrainian children.”

As dysfunctional as our democracy now seems to be, surely Russia (and Putin) are not models worth emulating. Russia today is a gangster-capitalist oligarchy with far greater disparities between rich and poor than most developed countries, and Putin heads a socially conservative government that gains much of its legitimacy from a cynical alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Putin calls our democracy “rotten.”  Well, yes, it’s a bit beyond ripe, being over nearly 250 years old, and probably even “ropune”. . . . . but it is not, as yet, rotten.  Recently, Trump quoted Putin at a campaign rally,  after the Russian leader (earlier this year) said that the former president’s criminal indictments show “the rottenness of the American political system.” Trump added that Joe Biden is a threat to democracy.  But the last time I looked, it was not Biden, but Trump trying to undo the results of a democratic election in 2020.  But the “big lie” still works for many.

In sucking up to the rank brutality of a person like Putin, swallowing his lies and his aggressions, you pretty much have to abandon any pretense of being a freedom loving conservative.  But maybe, like many in the MAGA-verse, you think that violence is a necessary means to some preferred end?  Violence and threats of violence have not been the exclusive province of the right or far left, but most of the threats these days are coming from “the right.”

In today’s New York Times (Feb. 19, 2023), David French describes how MAGA violence is disrupting social and political order in the U.S.

“But the tsunami of MAGA threats is different. The intimidation is systemic and ubiquitous, an acknowledged tactic in the playbook of the Trump right that flows all the way down from the violent fantasies of Donald Trump himself. It is rare to encounter a public-facing Trump critic who hasn’t faced threats and intimidation.”

“The threats drive decent men and women from public office. They isolate and frighten dissenters. When my family first began to face threats, the most dispiriting responses came from Christian acquaintances who concluded I was a traitor for turning on a movement whose members had expressed an explicit desire to kill my family.” It is ironic, given the teachings of Jesus, that “Christians” would feel comfortable with violence, yet the White Christian Nationalist “movement” does seem to be.

“Unsurprisingly, Trump supporters, especially white evangelicals, are in the vanguard of this movement. Nearly one-third of white evangelicals, regardless of party affiliation, expressed support for political violence — easily the highest among all Americans. Among Americans with a favorable view of Trump, 41% of people are open to violence from “true American patriots.”

Nothing Tucker Carlson did or said is illegal, but at the very least, it’s wrong-headed, and U.S. politicians that follow Trump’s lead in making excuses for Putin should be deeply ashamed.  The courage of Navalny, who died in the hopes that Russia would someday be more democratic, makes many in the GOP who oppose further aid to Ukraine look like helpless, clueless puppets, subservient to Trump instead of the public good, and lacking in any sort of moral courage. Alexei Navalny gave up his life for democracy; many in the GOP just fear giving up their positions in the MAGA-verse.  In this Congress, such “profiles in cowardice” are almost too numerous to count.

Politically Obtuse Plutocrats

Politically Obtuse Plutocrats

by Don Mayer

I used to work for a man who truly believed that if you weren’t a multi-millionaire you probably didn’t have much common sense.  “ I can only learn from people who know how to make a lot of money,” he once told me.  J. Baker McCullagh, bless his heart and may he rest in peace, was in a kind of “groupthink” mode with his millionaire buddies.  For Baker, the government’s insistence that he re-hire one of his favorite employees after she had her baby was “communism.”  That same attitude leads to a deep distrust of government, a hatred of taxes or public goods, and a steady belief that no regulation or less regulation is necessary to preserve their  monetary “bottom lines.”

It’s the very same “thinking” that pushes many plutocrats into rejecting politicians from the Democratic party, and favoring the GOP. For many years, as Paul Krugman has pointed out today, there was a kind of truce between the very rich GOP donors and the GOP “base.”  But increasingly, the GOP base is not wired into reality: most of them believe that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, that Trump is being persecuted by a weaponized Department of Justice, and more than a few are proud to be Q Anon believers that have become convinced of some truly bizarre conspiracy theories. 

  1. The Deep State: QAnon followers believe in the existence of a secretive and powerful “deep state” within the U.S. government and other global institutions. This deep state is often portrayed as a shadowy group working to undermine and control the government..
  2. Satanic Ritual Abuse: Some QAnon adherents claim that a global cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles is involved in a vast network of child trafficking and abuse. This belief has led to unfounded accusations against various public figures and celebrities.
  3. The Storm: QAnon followers anticipate an event known as “The Storm,” during which President Trump will reveal and arrest members of the alleged deep state, leading to a purge of corrupt elites.
  4. JFK Jr. Is Alive: A fringe belief within QAnon is that John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999, faked his death and is secretly working with President Trump to expose the deep state.
  5. Adrenochrome: Some QAnon adherents claim that a chemical called adrenochrome is harvested from the blood of abused children and consumed by elites for its supposed rejuvenating and mind-altering properties.
  6. Global Conspiracy: QAnon expands its conspiracy theory to encompass a wide range of global events and organizations, including claims that COVID-19 is a hoax, that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, and that the world is controlled by a secret cabal of elites.
  7. The Great Awakening: QAnon followers believe that their movement is part of a global awakening to the truth, and they view themselves as “digital soldiers” fighting against the forces of darkness.

Trump, as a candidate for President in 2024, has actually embraced Q Anon, and has not pulled any punches about what he would do in a second term.  And there’s no other word for it but fascism.

In June, hours after pleading not guilty to federal charges of mishandling classified documents and conspiring to obstruct justice, Trump claimed that President Biden “together with a band of his closest thugs, misfits, and Marxists, tried to destroy American democracy.” He added, “If the communists get away with this, it won’t stop with me.”

Since then, Trump has routinely adopted this sort of language, occasionally adding the term “fascists” to his repertoire, perhaps as an effort to muddle the meaning of the word. At a speech in Miami on the eve of the 2023 elections, he urged the crowd to “crush the communists at the ballot box.”

In November, Trump said at a rally, “In honor of our great veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country—that lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible; they’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream.”

As Krugman points out, this should give plutocrats who depended on deregulation and lower taxes at least some serious pause.  But, sadly, it does not.

Krugman writes:

“What’s so striking to me is the political obtuseness of big money. Any moderately well-informed observer could have told big bankers that a MAGAfied Republican Party isn’t going to nominate anyone who might make them comfortable. Someday, perhaps, reasonable people will once again have a role to play within the G.O.P. But that day is at least several election cycles away.”

A recent Washington Post poll revealed that as much as a quarter of the 1000 plus people surveyed believe that the FBI orchestrated the January 6 events at the Capitol. Yes, there is increased polarization in the U.S. politics, long-standing hostility to government programs and delegitimization of the federal government itself, the spread of false or misleading information, often through social media and other online platforms, and the fact that people often seek out information and engage with like-minded individuals, as Baker McCullagh did back in the 1970s and 1980s. Social media online echo chambers reinforcing people’s existing beliefs, making them less likely to critically evaluate information from alternative sources. Once someone is invested in a particular narrative or conspiracy theory, they can’t admit they were ever wrong.

Finally, there is clearly a lack of media literacy; people often cannot discern credible sources from unreliable ones. This can lead them to believe and share conspiracy theories without critically evaluating the information. Better public school education on critical thinking and media literacy might help, but as of now, that may be too “woke” to happen, and the hour is already late.

Democracy dies in darkness,” claims the Washington Post.  It seems we are in a most un-enlightened, darkening period of time in the U.S. Of course, it’s perfectly legal to want lower taxes and less regulation, but the plutocrats that support fascist-leaning politicians are mistaken to think that undoing democracy will help them in the long-term, and could actually unsettle a stable legal environment for business.