Lawyer-speak: Legal, yes, but sometimes… Awful!

Lawyer-speak: Legal, yes, but sometimes… Awful!

It’s a free country right? Especially with regard to free speech, and what lawyers say in a legal brief or in oral argument:  other than insulting the judge and risking a contempt of court order, lawyers can just say the “darndest” things, recalling Art...
Politically Obtuse Plutocrats

Politically Obtuse Plutocrats

by Don Mayer I used to work for a man who truly believed that if you weren’t a multi-millionaire you probably didn’t have much common sense.  “ I can only learn from people who know how to make a lot of money,” he once told me.  J. Baker...
Witch Hunt!

Witch Hunt!

by Don Mayer “Witch hunt!”   We’ve heard that phrase from Donald Trump as a stock response to any number of investigations, indictments, and impeachments.  The Mueller investigation, both impeachment proceedings, the Georgia investigation (of a...
The Only Federal Judge in Amarillo, Texas

The Only Federal Judge in Amarillo, Texas

by Don Mayer Donald Trump’s judicial chickens have come home to roost, and they are laying some perfectly legal but horribly misshapen eggs.  Trump, with the help of Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society, and then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, approved...
Hunter, Jared and Ivanka:  On Nepotism and Moral Obfuscation

Hunter, Jared and Ivanka: On Nepotism and Moral Obfuscation

I really shouldn’t have, but I recently shared a “snarky” Facebook post that said: Trump’s daughter works at the White House Her husband works at the White House Rudy’s son works at the White House Barr’s son in law works at the White House Trump’s sons do foreign...